Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (22-08-2024)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update

Intel Guru Frank26

[ Iraq boots-on-the-ground assessment] FIRESL:
Sudani appeared on the TV exactly as he did yesterday and today he is once more discussing the financial changes. According to him, the financial changes are in progress. FRANK: This is serious. Every day he is visiting and chatting with Iraqi nationals.Your purchasing power is soon to arrive just the way Sudani has been guiding you, and it makes me very excited.

Intel Guru MarkZ

[Through PDK] Are you still believing this may be our month? Mark z: I do believe this could be it really strongly. But it’s quite odd that we are getting news in bursts.a great deal of action then silence. I suppose that is because they have done a remarkable job of stifling leaks. Things were very quiet today as well. At this stage, I’m not sure what they are waiting for.

Newshound Guru Militia Man 

Why was Alaq in Washington having an unexpected meeting? You really must consider that. He showed up without warning.It seems as though he was supposed to have things done but neglected them.

Newshound Guru Breitling

“It sounded to me one of their objectives is to try to get the US dollar as the main currency in Iraq. Could this be their method of clearing notes off the street?” Not sure. Though it’s a major no, that’s a great question.Your asking that question makes me rather happy since it’s the way you should see money. Are they cutting their money supply or are they growing it?

Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick

They are currently working on a media campaign for you Iraqi people. It’s a big effort to explain to you what they have in store.Since the United States Treasury first showed up, the speed of this monetary reform education is approaching you quite quickly ever then. It is them that have accelerated the flow of this material to you.

Intel Guru Frank26

What is the goal? Get them [ Three zero notes]. In what manner? Give them purchasing power as soon as we increase the value; drop the three zeros, and they will bring in all that eighty something percent [still in Iraqi mattresses].The financial reform proposal is really outstanding.It is traveling really quickly.

Newshound Guru  Militia Man

If you’re going to have a petro-dinar competing with a petro-dollar you’re going to have to have some value for that.  1310 has not worked…It doesn’t mean they’re not going to try it.  Try it, I think that would be a failure

Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram 

Having money will let you establish and expand your financial bases more easily.The game to restore your wealth means that you invest in positive cash flow company initiatives even if you go out and buy a Pizza Hut just as long as it has a positive cash flow to help support your lifestyle that you would want to live in. Investing in companies that will increase your monthly income helps you rebuild your riches. That’s how you keep and create and expand your fortune. [Dinar Guru Note: See your financial advisers at the suitable moment to identify the suitable assets for your particular situation and way of life.]

Newshound Guru Samson

Article: “Theft of the Century: Between the Rule of Law and the Rule of Whales

Intel Guru Frank26

[Iraq reports boots-on-the-ground] FIREflies:
After the deletion project, Sammy [Iraq bank manager] says we will keep trading the three zero notes for ten years. It’s not a lop. This will be a forceful action. FRanking: I enjoy it since this man works at the bank and is quite aware of what is about to happen.Your buying power will at least equal $1.00 once the three zeros are raised. It might even be as high as $1.30. Then your nation will be able to recover even more quickly.The future excites me. For my future excites me equally.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

Anyone believing this will be a lop had to be absolutely flat-out nuts. Their funding for all their operations at 1310/1320 won’t be sufficient.There isn’t inflation. They cover it perfectly. For years, they have been working on this.This is a good moment to pay attention to your own.Get the lop ready for bed.

Intel Guru Bruce

[via WiserNow] The contract pace is what? Whatever the per barrel price of oil Iraq is exporting to other nations, contract rate—that is, what a barrel of oil in USN dollars is selling for…We are being presented that. That is the contracted rate; it is really high. [Second Post of Two]

Intel Guru Bruce

[based on WiserNow]…Should all go according to plan, we will get our emails [ Wednesday] – schedule our appointments; start as early as [ Wednesday] or Thursday.Based on rate wise observations of what the dinar and dong were a few days ago, the redemption centre screens will be far higher than the bank screens. Just so you know, screens at redemption centres are noticeably higher. Not to mention the fact that, should you be a dinar holder and US citizen, you will be presented a contract rate. [First post of two]


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