Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (09-26-2023)

dinar guru

Newshound Guru Militia Man

In the article, Alaq mentioned the newly implemented system for external transfer and sale of dollars that provides protection for all parties involved in operations and is internationally recognized. It seems like a noteworthy achievement worth acknowledging.

Intel Guru MarkZ 

[via PDK] Based on the information from my sources, it seems that the significant event will take place at the end of the week, considering that October 1st falls on a weekend. After that, everything will escalate. It’s a known fact that Iraq requires a legitimate currency to comply with the World Trade Organization, and this will happen in the first week of October.

Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram 

There is significant news emerging from Iraq. An article has revealed that from next year, all internal trade will be restricted to the use of dinars. This step has been taken to combat the black market exchange rate and prevent transactions from being carried out in U.S. dollars. The announcement was made after a meeting between the central bank governor and representatives of private banks. It has also been reported that the US Federal Reserve has agreed to this change. This decision is viewed as a positive move in strengthening the Iraqi dinar.

Newshound Guru Pimpy

An article reports that the Central Bank of Iraq has approved a new system for external transfers. This move indicates an increasing preference for the Iraqi dinar over the US dollar which is a positive development. The value of the Iraqi dinar is predicted to strengthen as a result, which will lead to an increase in its exchange rate with the US dollar. This is expected to boost the value of the Iraqi dinar further.

 Newshound Guru butterfly

An article reports that Iraq, a founding member of OPEC, has implemented a new law allowing foreign companies to own and profit from its oil output. Iraq has an estimated 145 billion barrels of recoverable crude deposits, making it one of the largest oil reserves in the world. This move is intended to attract foreign investment and promote the growth of Iraq’s oil and gas industry, which could lead to significant economic transformation for the country in the future.

Intel Guru MarkZ

 [via PDK] MarkZ says the oil for dinar program is still happening, as it’s expected to yield better rates than the street rate.

Newshound Guru Pimpy

There have been many events happening rapidly in Iraq recently. Some may wonder if I am enthusiastic about this news. Indeed, I am excited about the positive developments occurring. However, I remain cautious as Iraq has a history of both progress and setbacks. Despite this, I am feeling more hopeful than doubtful about the current situation.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

An invitation has been extended to the organization to attend the introductory symposium on Iraq’s entry into the World Trade Organization. The symposium is scheduled for October 4th. It is likely that Iraq’s international exchange rate will be discussed since the WTO requires a country’s valuation before allowing ascension.

Intel Guru MarkZ

[via PDK]MarkZ confirms that the oil for dinar program is still ongoing, and it’s expected to yield more profit than the street rate.


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