Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (09-07-2023)

Iraqi Dinar Guru
Iraqi Dinar Guru

 Intel Guru MarkZ 

 [via PDK]  Lots of quiet, but enough to make some people excited. I thought we would have news or leaks this morning, but I don’t have any yet. We just need to remain calm and patient.

Newshound Guru Militia Man 

Iraq’s outlook has improved from stable to increasingly positive, according to Standard & Poor. This is due to their export of agricultural goods and non-oil revenue streams at their borders, leading to a favorable investment environment.

Intel Guru Frank26

When exchanging dinars for American dollars at the bank, it is important to keep an eye on the transaction to ensure that your account is properly credited. It is unlikely that the bank will charge any taxes during the exchange, as banks are not equipped to collect taxes from individuals. Therefore, you can feel confident that you will not be hit with unexpected tax charges after the exchange.

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat

I have a question for Kaperoni, who believes that Iraq must first strengthen its economy in order for the true value of its currency to be reflected in its rate. However, I am curious as to what standard they need to grow their economy to and at what point they would turn on their currency. Was it shut off due to the war, which has now been over for 20 years? It seems that this plan was implemented by Obama, not Dr. Shabibi, and it is not effective. Iraq’s currency must grow in order to strengthen the country and its economy. [post 2 of 2]

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat

Iraq’s oil revenue has hit a record high since the beginning of 2023, with a 2/3 increase in oil production compared to 1991. Back in 1991, the dinar rate was over USD $3. However, despite all these economic achievements, the question remains: why is the currency still undervalued? While it’s crucial to move away from a rentier economy dependent solely on oil, what about the present situation? Shouldn’t the current oil wealth be taken into account? With 113 billion in reserves, 132 tons of gold, and various minerals and agricultural products being exported, why is the currency still worth only 1/6 of a penny?  [post 1 of 2….stay tuned]

 Intel Guru MarkZ

 [via PDK]   Question: Will IQD and VND float up together if they have agreements? According to MarkZ, he does not expect a float, but he is prepared for one. He anticipates a significant change in value, followed by a possible small float.


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