Within 72 hours… an extraordinary meeting of the coordination framework to discuss the federal decisions

Within 72 hours... an extraordinary meeting of the coordination framework to discuss the federal decisions
Within 72 hours... an extraordinary meeting of the coordination framework to discuss the federal decisions

Jabbar Odeh, the leader of the coordination framework, has stated that an extraordinary meeting of the framework forces will be held to discuss the US Federal Reserve file. This meeting is expected to take place soon.

During an interview with Al-Maalouma, Odeh expressed concern about the recent sanctions imposed by the US Federal Reserve on 14 Iraqi banks and the increasing popularity of the dollar in the parallel market. These issues have raised market concerns and led to an increase in prices of basic necessities, which has been burdensome for 13 million Iraqis who are living below the poverty line.

He anticipates that the framework forces will have an urgent meeting within the next 72 hours to discuss the US Federal sanctions. There are indications of a third list of sanctions that will impact other banks, making the situation unclear and necessitating actions in support of the Sudanese government.
He observed that the parallel market is subject to American influence, which seeks to maintain control over it and use it as leverage against the government. This is currently evident in the situation at hand.

Recently, the dollar’s value in the parallel market has steadily increased, with $100 now costing 158,000 dinars, marking the first time in months that this price has been reached.


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