With the help of the internal allies.. Warnings of Turkish plans to seize Iraqi lands

With the help of the internal allies.. Warnings of Turkish plans to seize Iraqi lands
With the help of the internal allies.. Warnings of Turkish plans to seize Iraqi lands

On Friday, the independent politician Luqman Hassan issued a warning regarding potential Turkish plans, particularly after the conclusion of the Lausanne Treaty. Hassan noted that Turkey has allies within its borders who may support its claim over certain areas of Iraq.

Hassan informed Al-Maalouma that the Treaty of Lausanne contains specific paragraphs pertaining to the Turkmen regions. If these regions are not protected, Ankara reserves the right to return them to their rightful ownership as they were once a part of the Ottoman Empire.

He stated that if the political parties representing different groups and sects fail to consider the agreement and its provisions, Turkey may use the agreement as a pretext to seize lands in Iraq.

He mentioned that there are several Iraqi Turkmen parties present in Kirkuk and Tal Afar, along with the Kurdistan Democratic Party and other pro-Turkish Arab parties. These parties share similar policies and could potentially impact the political situation. Therefore, it is crucial for all other parties to come to an agreement on the unity of Iraqi land and avoid making any concessions to neighboring countries.


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