There are two violations.. Legal opinion on increasing parliament’s allocations and salaries


Egal expert Salem Hawas considered two legal infractions in the House of Representatives’ Wednesday vote restoring the wages and allowances of members of the House of Representatives and Council staff following government cuts by Haider al-Abadi.

In a statement to, Hawass said that “all the justifications put forward by some members of the House of Representatives regarding the re-increase in salaries and allowances of members of the House of Representatives and employees of the Council have no legal basis.” Furthermore, “the Council’s vote contains two legal violations.”

He said, “The decision to restore salaries to what they were after they were reduced by the Abadi government as a result of popular pressure is completely opposite of the constitution, as the House of Representatives does not have the authority to legislate any law or issue a decision that has a financial aspect and raising salaries and allocation of the legislative authority is invalid.” “The decision to restore salaries to what they were after was reduced by the Abadi government as a result of popular pressure.”

“The second violations are borne by the executive and legislative authorities, as what was included in the government program of the Sudanese government, which was voted on by Parliament, obligated the government to reduce the salaries and allocations of the three authorities,” he stated. the branches of legislation, executive, and judicial power.

Apart from the ruling of the Federal Court addressing the matter, former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi had issued an order lowering MP compensation. The former Speaker of the House of Representatives, however, excused more than 42 general managers from this treatment; the House of Representatives subsequently adopted a new order after the court recently rejected it.


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