The Coordination Framework accused the Taqadum Party, led by Muhammad al-Halbousi, of attempting to overthrow former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Tuesday in Baghdad.
In a statement received by the organization, the coordination coordinator expressed gratitude towards Haider al-Abadi for his role in the war against ISIS terrorist groups. However, the coordinator also criticized individuals with ulterior motives who are distorting the facts. Their intentions are now known and their overreach is deemed unacceptable.
He stated that the framework had put in a lot of effort to restore the nation’s rankings and bring stability to the political process. However, he vehemently rejected and denounced the statement made by the Taqaddam bloc against Dr. Al-Abadi. He pointed out that the accusations, deceptions, and fallacies in the statement were baseless and that history proves the sacrifices made to defeat the ISIS gangs. He further emphasized that they could not allow the truth to be distorted, and those responsible for it should face charges instead of having their efforts confiscated.
He stated that it is important for political blocs to maintain the progress that has been made instead of escalating tensions, which would not benefit the country’s current stability in any way.