The Central Bank decides to launch the instant photo feature for the customer

The Central Bank decides to launch the instant photo feature for the customer
The Central Bank decides to launch the instant photo feature for the customer

The Central Bank of Iraq has launched instant photo features for customers on Tuesday, October 24th, 2023.

A document issued by the bank, addressed to licensed banks and companies, stated the following: “We refer to our previous circulars numbered 466/1/9 on 8/17/2023, and remind you of the necessity to acquire a webcam with appropriate resolution. This is a pre-requisite to launch the instant photo feature for customers which will be implemented starting Saturday, October 21, 2023, in the actual environment. We request that you ensure compliance with this requirement when registering a customer or making a cash sale. It is also important to ensure accuracy when entering customer data into the platform. This is necessary to avoid penalties that may result in denial of entry to the foreign currency sales window, in case of repeated errors and violations in any of your activities.”


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