State of Law Leader: MPs’ Salaries Have Become Equal to Ministers’ Salaries

State of Law Leader: MPs’ Salaries Have Become Equal to Ministers’ Salaries
State of Law Leader: MPs’ Salaries Have Become Equal to Ministers’ Salaries

The head of the State of Law Coalition, Khalaf Abdul Samad, revealed that the pay of representatives reached that of ministers.

“It is a pity that the House of Representatives voted to increase the salaries and allowances of its representatives to the same level as the salaries and allowances of the ministers,” Abdul Samad said in a statement.

“At a time when the Council should have voted to bring down the salaries of ministers commensurate with the salaries of its deputies if it wants equality, and work on increasing the salaries of employees and retirees, and side with the poor and deprived classes,” he said.

The House of Representatives agreed on its Wednesday session on August 7 to increase member allowances and pay scales.


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