Parliamentary Finance Committee confirms its continued investigation into manipulation of budget tables


The Parliamentary Finance Committee verified that the investigating committee is still looking into the circumstances surrounding the CD and budget table manipulation. The committee also highlighted that the government now operates using the tables voted upon by the House of Representatives.

In a statement to that regard, committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi said, “The investigation committee formed by the parliamentary finance committee, which is related to tampering with the budget tables sent by the government to parliament and which were voted on, is still ongoing.” He further noted that “the investigation was conducted with the Secretary-General of the Council of Representatives and the Director of the Office of the Speaker of the Council of Representatives.”

This was the end, he said, saying “The government has started working with the schedules voted on by the House of Representatives, not those sent by the House.”

Economic analyst Basem Anton remarked in a past comment to Al-Maalouma that changing the budget tables is risky as final accounting have not been turned in. According to data, the original budget of 211 trillion dinars gains more than 10 trillion extra.


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