Parliamentary committee calls for accountability: Summoning of police chief and officers following violent incidents in Diwaniyah protest

Parliamentary committee calls for accountability: Summoning of police chief and officers following violent incidents in Diwaniyah protest
Parliamentary committee calls for accountability: Summoning of police chief and officers following violent incidents in Diwaniyah protest

The Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee has decided to summon the Chief of Police of Diwaniyah and officers involved in the violent protest in al-Sedir district, al-Diwaniyah governorate. An official communication from Committee Chairman Deputy Abbas al-Zamili to Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, obtained by Shafaq News Agency, outlines the decision.

The committee has summoned the Chief of Police of al-Diwaniyah, the officer from al-Sedir Police Station, the commander of the Order Maintenance Regiment, and officers engaged in duty to investigate the assault on peaceful demonstrators resulting in multiple arrests and severe physical harm, including facial injuries and loss of consciousness. The summoning will take place on Saturday, August 26th, at 11:00 AM, at the committee’s headquarters.

In an effort to ensure transparency and adherence to procedural propriety, Deputy al-Zamili sought concurrence from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.


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