MP: America is behind Iraq’s economic crises


MP Moeen Al-Kadhimi added that America is to blame for Iraq’s problems economically.

Al-Kadhimi mentioned, ‘The Iraqi economy faces perplexing challenges that track a number of dimensions, the concept of which must be realized to encourage proper preparations and attempt to shape a manual that will enable enhancing its capability to weather any tremors in international markets.

“America is putting pressure on Baghdad to export oil in dollars, and it doesn’t allow the many kinds of currencies that grant flexibility to commercial activity.” He went on to add, “Stress[ing] that Washington is behind the economic crises that befell Iraq due to many reasons, especially the prohibition against making use of its money present in Washington as it deems appropriate in accordance with an Iraqi vision.” “America is pressuring Baghdad to export oil in dollars.”

“The Central Bank should plan and meanwhile be open in front of the public to show the reality of the situation and to solicit showing objective solutions, neos humiliating the American side and pushing it to deal with the requirements of Iraq, which has the right to spend money as it sees, not as others see,” the official said.

The interesting fact, rather, is that the United States is using the dollar more like a weapon herein to pull strings that will allow them to use Iraq to achieve several objectives.


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