Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (28-08-2024)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update

Intel Guru Bruce 

The last thing I have is that we would get that by or before Friday. [via WiserNow]…the QFs system, at least for the redemption centers is connected, – that’s extremely excellent – and now we just need our emails to come into us and we can arrange appointments to start… the 30th; should we not be informed and begin Friday’s transactions, it would go over the weekend.Anything is possible; considering the weekend as a Labor Day weekend, it may even into September. We will thus see what transpires.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

Ignoring the rules comes with repercussions. Playing by the rules is not bad. I advice you to do that. Pay taxes if you make a lot of money and have them. Paying my taxes excites me since catching up…I’m not sure how many of you people suffered with 2008. I know I did, so tell me.Be careful.See expert guidance.Get some wise guidance.

Intel Guru Frank26

[Report on boots-on-the-ground activity from Iraq] FIREFLY: They inform us that the dinar is robust and steady notwithstanding anything else. FRANK: Programs rates are not robust or consistent.It is entirely worthless. It’s not strong. It isn’t steady. They are imparting to the people what? FIREFLY: New developments once they are adopted and become ingrained will be the pillar of security for our banking system and economy. Frank: Alaq is presently in New York for this reason. Stability and security being built for the monetary change…They are trying to impart what? That you have a new exchange rate—lower notes arriving. At a program rate, none of this is going to work. It just adds buying power using the new exchange rate.

Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu

Contract Rates all happened many years ago when individual purchasers signed agreements to pay Dinar a designated rate, per contract. It did not constitute a trade. It was a private sales event. Those all closed many years ago; period! There are NO MORE contractual prices! With any luck, this cleans the air.

Newshound Guru Kaperoni 

“Government adviser explains the possibility of using the dinar instead of the dollar in oil sales” article says. Fascinating quotation from Salih found in that article Quote: “The strength and stability of the Iraqi dinar will remain linked to the elements of real growth and variety in the national economy,”

Intel Guru MarkZ

Consensus was that it must commence within 24 hours. The groups expecting money transfer between now and the weekend are the talk many. According the speculations from the organizations everybody will be working over this weekend. Group leaders are all primed and ready. Today Al Alaq -Governor of the CBI is leaving New York heading to DC. We are hoping it shows something. Comment: SUDDENLY slowly, slowly. MarkZ: It seems we’re finally in the suddenly phase.

Newshound Guru  Militia Man 

There is no inflation hence a lop is not expected.They will value their money more. What then? Since they have value.

Newshound Guru  Militia Man

There’s no inflation so there’s not going to be a lop…They’re going to add value to their currency Why?  Because they have valuation.  

Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick 

 [Iraqi bank friend Aki update] 
Question:  You’re asking us why we are not talking to you about these [lower note] commercials.  Can you tell us more about them?  AKI:  Yes, they are coming out.  This is the media campaign we told you about.  It’s getting faster and faster and louder and louder.  The purpose is to show the citizens the newlower notes and more information.  These commercials are coming out at any time now…Nothing is in the way to block this next step.  It is a massive media campaign.  [Reference Walkingstick’s post from 8-27-2024 below]

Newshound Guru Clare 

Article: “Al-Sudani to Al-Sisi: Iraq is capable of being a meeting place for the countries of the region

Intel Guru Frank26

 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:
Mr. Sammy [Iraqi bank manager friend] said the CBI wants the entire deletion of the 3 zero project to go smooth and have very little impact on the citizens…That’s why the whole thing is going digital.  This way the CBI can switch out currencies so easily…  FRANK:  Brilliant Sudani!  Brilliant Alaq!  Brilliant Dr. Shabibi wherever you may be, Rest In Peace.  FIREFLY:  It’s going to be automated and the citizens won’t even feel it when they switch over to the new exchange rate. ‘They won’t even feel it’ is the words from Saleh.  Saleh also say the solution coming will lower the dollar exchange rate.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

 Iraq has some of the largest deposits of phosphates and sulfur…massive world class gold supply…rare Earths…liquid natural gas and they have…tourism… They all generate income… The Development Road Project…you’re going to find taxes and tariffs at the borders.  There’s going to be a lot of revenue, a lot…Back in Saddam Husain era [the dinar] was around $3.22.  It may have been considered a little bit overpriced, should have been more about $2.80…It’s at 1310 right now!  There’s a big difference.  Now you have to add all those things I just mentioned.  The valuation of a country.  That’s what they have to do… Sudani wasn’t lying when he said the dinar is going to be stronger than the dollar…

Intel Guru MarkZ

 [via PDK]  Comment:  Wealth manager sent out memo saying the dinar is a scam.  MarkZ:  Well if it is a scam – Trump invested in it, Warren Buffet invested in it…the US treasury has invested in it.  I believe even George Soros has invested in it…and almost every central bank around the world has invested in it.  So if it is a scam…well, all the smartest people in the world fell for it.


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