Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (27-08-2024)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update

Newshound Guru Militia Man

The budget clearly must have an exposure to an exchange rate. Eight months, nine months, ten months, why haven’t they gone worldwide at 1310 after all these months? Why haven’t they been placed on the Forex at 1310 so they might pay for all the roads, pavement, buildings, schools, and attempt to locate investors to physically come in with not a freedom of money movement? Without a Real Effective Exchange Rate, I doubt they will ever be able to accomplish that.

Intel Guru Frank26

[Report on boots-on-the-ground activity from Iraq] FIREFLY: Though nothing regarding the lower notes,Saying many variables go into this, Saleh was on TV discussing how difficult it is to stabilize a currency and mentioned the dinar is stable now and safe.He is revealing more to us on the advancement of the financial reform. FRanks: They are about to provide you your purchasing power from this, so they provide you all this monetary reform instruction. Should the purchasing power fail to arrive, they would never have promised it to you in their speeches, so you would not be witnessing the current explosive development of your nation.

Intel Guru MarkZ  

[via PDK]   I am not hearing we are waiting until after the election.

Newshound/Intel Guru  Walkingstick

[Friend of an Iraqi bank updating] New York is to remove the red tape the United Nations is still dragging on non-participating banks of Iraq not undergoing a monetary reform. These approved banks might remain such or be entirely closed. Though the technique of the monetary reform doesn’t really matter, this is something that has to be done.

Newshound Guru Breitling 

From I believe in this 100% to I’m on the fence. We’re not playing around, hence even if I still believe it will happen these guys should pay attention. Do you know how significant our movements are? We are trying to help our friends grow in the Middle East and financially constrain our foes there. That is a difficult balancing act.We are going to punish Iraq.I haven’t started jumping ship yet.

Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu

The crazy are emerging from the woodwork as the RV is getting close.The redemption centers first of all are the same as the banks. They are simply off-site because of anticipated traffic congestion. They are not independent entities. Second…”The Law of One Price…” Says an instrument cannot be sold in many markets at different rates. Stated otherwise, the “redemption Centers” (banks) are NOT going to provide you an exchange rate three times what the “Banks” provide. It’s illegal IT! The speed will be the same wherever you go. The fee percentage might be the only thing different. Usually 2%, this fee is not set in stone exactly.

Intel Guru RayRen98 

More US Bank employees are reporting “NDA’s” are clumping up. If anything they are telling me is true, some of you are gonna go to sleep wealthy $$$$$$; another province has reported having “lower denoms” distributed in some manner, awaiting further complete details, if any….Your season is to be blessed.

Newshound Guru Militia Man 

Article “Iraq will be the ninth biggest gold buyer in 2024” Man, there has been some extreme, massive corruption if they pulled enough money to purchase 100 tons of gold. I’m guessing their recent non-oil income has perhaps had some bearing on this as well.

Intel Guru MarkZ 

[via PDK] I am certainly hearing we are just waiting for the switch to be pulled….and this is going to be an amazing week and we are going to see great things.Rumors are bouncing all over…even with the groups.but substantial news is a little slim…. From the group leaders there are tons of rumors about the immediacy of this thing. Including the rumors that money is positioned and they will start doing smaller groups as early as today. .But until we can substantiate them…right now…it’s all just rumors.We will wait to see what happens before we get to excited. Things are certainly heating up.

Newshound Guru Samson 

Article: “ ‘Theft of the Century’ Draws Transparency International to Baghdad

Intel Guru Frank26

Article: “Is Iraq headed toward printing new currency?” One of the executive levels of Iraqi Bank told us, don’t pay attention to this. It doesn’t make any sense.We spent over $50 million printing the lower notes. We’re not printing. When a country has high inflation, you print more currency, you add more zeros. Our inflation is 1%, maybe less than 1%. We have printed the lower notes, the currency that we want.

Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick

Aki spoke to the CBI and he is fully aware what is going on. He was very surprised we have not asked him about the pictures that are being shown on [Iraqi] television of the lower notes.We trust Aki a great deal. Any time Aki says comes out.

Newshound Guru Militia Man 

Pay attention to what goes on in New York City in the next 24 to 48 hours…

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat

Article: “IS IT TIME TO REMOVE THE ZEROS? Article Quote: “.with the use of electronic payment operations, the environment will be mature and acceptable for the idea of ​​implementing the decision to delete zeros, and the process will be automatic without the citizen feeling it.” .the CBI wants this event to be almost transparent and smooth to the citizens.the solution is to digitize, then this will enable them to switch out the currency almost seamless to the citizens.They must implement the digitization program first in ALL banks. Iraq is optimistic in getting the electronic initiative completed sooner than later. They are not talking about years.

Intel Guru MarkZ

[via PDK] Question: wouldn’t it be better for Iraq to revalue sooner rather than later especially in light of what a 23, 24, 25 budget has been passed but yet we’re nearly into 25 and there’s nothing that’s benefiting them? MarkZ: it would be better if they were to revalue sooner. I can tell you that they want to.


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