Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (23-08-2024)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update

Newshound Guru Clare

 Article:  “Iraq participates in the “Future” summit at the United Nations in New York

Newshound Guru Militia Man 

The ’23, ’24, ’25 tripartite budget for investment they haven’t exposed it yet...Why not?  Probably because it has an exchange rate sensitivity to it.

Newshound Guru Jeff

Iraq has been quietly changing the budget in background to get it ready for this new one. June 3rd after they approved it, it was never fully finished or printed in the Gazette. They have been subtly changing it since that moment forward.This investment now has actual value.

Intel Guru Frank26

[Report on boots-on-the-ground Iraq] FIREflight:
Television is alerting us to be charged an additional 5% should we pay cash on bills. Should we pay with our cards, we will not be charged five percent extra. Is that not the reverse of usual approaches of doing things? FRANCE: Yes, that is accurate.You’re travelling abroad. You have to pull from your cards. Should you use cash, you will be fined. Employ your cards…

Newshound Sandy Ingram

This is alarming; why then are militias supported by Iranians persist attacking Israel? Nine separate sources provide this material.This is actual news; there are actual missiles.Multiple airborne threats from Iraq were effectively intercepted by the Israeli Air Force. These comprised drones, two cruise missiles, and rockets.The interceptions confirmed by Israel Defence Forces revealed no targets violated Israeli territory.Claiming responsibility, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq connected to Iran…Israel will react against Iraq harshly, so I worry. The threat originates from Iraq, hence it makes no difference who launches the lethal missiles.

Newshound Guru Samson

Prime Minister:   We support investments that aim to diversify the economy away from oil”

Guru Nader From The Mid East 

[ Follow up to Nader’s three weeks to trade big notes to small notes post from 9-22-2024 below] The only issue we all have here in America, Canada, Australia, England or anywhere is how to convert those large dollars into smaller ones. I refer to Iraq dinars; you convert 25,000 to 500s. This is the way things will proceed. Their 1s, 5s, 10s, 25s, 100s, 250s, 500s will be unique. Their going to have is that.Should your 25,000 [note] be 25,000 dinar, then so is it.

Newshound Guru Clare

Article: “Al-Alaq: We are continuously reviewing the deletion of zeros from the dinar; there are no constraints on our balances in America”.

Intel Guru MarkZ 

[via PDK] In Iraq: Keep this one under observation. “Al Alaq –We are constantly reviewing the deletion of dinar zeros and there are no restrictions on the balances in America”. That section “No restrictions” tells us Iraq is in charge of her own money. When you delve deeply into this essay, they are precisely what they did in Kuwait using the language and phrasing; it is time to eliminate those zeros. In Kuwait, they considerably raised the value…Either they had to deposit them in banks or swap them in for smaller denomination notes. We must so first convert our 25k notes into smaller denoms before we may trade. Mark Z: Not at all.That was the way things operated in Kuwait.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

Alaq said, “We are constantly reviewing the deletion of the zeros from the dinar and there are no constraints on our balances in America.” Thus, once more like he did in July of 2023, he is discussing elimination of the zeros in September 2024. Quote: “The governor of the Central Bank…adds that the project to remove the zeros in Iraq is under continuous review and study at the bank…The Central Bank of Iraq has reduced reliance on the US dollar in commercial transactions.” Seeing him back on beating the drum on elimination of the zeros is interesting.

Newshound Guru Jeff

 Next week they have stated they will be announcing the agreed upon actions for the US troop withdrawal.

Intel Guru Frank26

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] Fireflight:
Although they cannot tell you everything, Mr. Sammy claims they are far ahead of what they are now stating. All for our nation’s safety; markets; speculators;… Frank: Many events occurring right now are quite beneficial for our investment. Though it seems far-off, it is really right in front of us. You are already touching it, hence it is not a mirage.

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat

The reinstatement process looks like this: Establish the “Pillars of Financial Reform,” banking, insurance, stock markets; Eliminate the parallel market and demand for the dollar via the illicit market; Overcome the dollar issue by realizing the Central Bank “official” rate of the dinar. Be able to increase the “official” dinar currency against to dollar to a sustainable, reasonable rate that reflects the actual Iraq’s economy (slightly over a dollar in-country); Lead the effort to eliminate the zeros: Gathering these big three zero notes, stashes or hoards of dinars and dollars will help to reduce the monetary mass. Exchange the money. Track the process for inflationary pressures; Bring the IQD back to the FOREX global currency exchanges. Not only a FORX placeholder pointing to ISX but also the tradable purchase and sell capability.

Intel Guru MarkZ

[via PDK] There is terrific conversation, and the news from Iraq is excellent. Many meetings scheduled between now and the 25th. I really think September is still quite much to be played out.


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