Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (19-08-2024)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update

Newshound Guru Militia Man

Alaq received calls all week last week asking him to leave his post. But guess what? He still holds his position.It is clear they had an agenda when they handled his ineptitude. For more than a year, they have been trying—yet unable—to get him gone. The US, the US Fed, Al-Sudani clearly thinks it is not required otherwise they would have most likely done it.

Newshound Guru Clare

Article: “urgent… in numbers… the Central Bank buys dollars from the Ministry of Finance in an unprecedented move since 2003”. Quote: “this rate will rise in the next months with the Central Bank’s inability to meet the demand for Iraqi dinars, which may force it to increase the issued monetary mass to meet the ministry’s expenditure needs.”

Newshound Guru Samson

 “Al-Sudani’s advisor announces: Two missiles have returned negotiations to the US forces’ withdrawal to square one”

Intel Guru RayRen98


Newshound Guru Breitling

We [The United States] are circling the waggons. Should we round the wagons, we will be cutting off Iraq’s economy and causing damage. That is not favourable for the Iraqi dinar.

Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu 

The US soldiers will not be leaving Iraq, it has now been declared.Not in the foreseeable future will the United States be leaving Iraq. Simply said, we have too much invested in them to have another Afghanistan style departure. The USA will not be leaving.

Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick 

[Friend of the Iraqi Bank from Michigan, Aki] The reform of finances is rather strong. Things seem to be in order.The CBI governor is nowhere; what happened? Alaq cannot be fired by the government the same way Maliki sacked the CBI governor, Dr. Shabibi. Maliki had neither power nor rights to dismiss Dr. Shabibi. Dr. Shabibi went to assist the US Treasury in finishing the monetary reform agenda.

Guest Guru Zester

[Mark Z’s son’s] [Pops (MarkZ) is getting stem cell treatment right now. He is in nice mood. As soon as he can, he will report regarding the initial therapy. Please keep pops on your mind and prayers.] I am hoping this is the week we are blessed; keeping my fingers crossed it happens in the next few days.Nobody knows, though. Years ago, if it were my decision, it would have happened. I am sure it will, however.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

Article: “Central Bank of Iraq to the News: We are working to lower the dollar’s price in the next days” Fairly, that comment could be false as Iraq has no authority to act on the worth of United States dollars. Period wise, they have no control over it. Still, they have power over the dinar, that metro-dinar. They can alter the value of the money. Alaq mentioned that the effort to erase the zeros is still under development.Clearly, the value of the Iraq dinar will alter if they increase it in relation to that ratio.

Newshound Guru Samson 

Article: “Central Bank of Iraq to the News: We are working to reduce the price of the dollar in the next days” “The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq has confirmed work is underway to reduce the price of the dollar against a dinar in the coming days,” says the quote.

Guru Nader From The Mid East

United States is not a hold-up. Although you people could label it like way, the US is not a hold-up. They genuinely want to boost Iraq’s economy. Since they destroyed it, they now wish to rebuild it. They are looking for the ideal opportunity to restore normal.

Newshound Guru Jeff

The middle of Iraq’s fiscal budget period…has everything to do with the timing of the rate change…

Newshound Guru Militia Man 

“Government advisor explains the possibility of using the dinar instead of the dollar in oil sales” article says. Saleh is teaching the people.They are keeping it fresh in the voters’ memories as a significant change is probably about to occur. That will probably mirror the flexible exchange rate system.

Newshound Guru Clare 

“Government advisor explains the possibility of using the dinar instead of the dollar in oil sales”, says an article. Quote: ” Will it be a flexible exchange system in which the (petrodinar) moves with the change in oil prices or a fixed exchange system supported by foreign reserves? These are basically quite vague pathways that have no clear ground response.”

Newshound Guru Samson

Article: ”Government advisor explains the possibility of using the dinar instead of the dollar in oil sales

Intel Guru MarkZ

[from PDK] Comment: Many analysts believe the 20th and 21st could be our major day. Mark Z: Indeed, many of the analysts claim this…and key bond contacts, organisation leaders—you name it—are showing the same. It does indeed get me somewhat enthusiastic.yet I will remain grounded.Everyone still has high expectations, and I know some people who are on Monday for preparations heading to their sites.Hence, I am hoping Tuesday really has meaning.

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 

Article quote: “that the government is demanding guarantees for non – substituent currency back to the markets”. This implies the restoration back into the FOREX trading platforms. The CBI needs assurances that the Project to Delete the Zeros would proceed all the way to the reinstatement once they start the procedure. Is this then not what my CBI contact also informed us?


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