Newshound Guru Clare
Article “The court and the State Council confirm that the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq is subject to the legal retirement age (documents)” Quote: “The two councils confirmed in documents…that the legal age for retirement is 60 years, and upon achieving it, the obligations of the official entrusted to it terminate.
Intel Guru Frank26
[Reports on Iraq boots-on-the-ground] FIREfly:
When Sudani leaves, he notes that the HCL is in completion stage. The HCL requires a rate, as is known. According to Sudani, not cash but the payments would be made using the electronic cards. We believe this is due to cash giving us 1310; but, using the cards suggests a different rate. FRanking: Though I am not sure this for sure, I agree completely that your cards are based on a new exchange rate. They cannot be predicated on a limited program rate; it makes no sense.
Newshound Guru Militia Man
Article: “Government parliamentary meeting today discussions boosting non-oil revenues and developing the economy” Iraq will soon be seeking non-oil income. All of us are aware of…Almost two years, or eighteen months, have gone in order to get Iraq into a private sector and increase their non-oil income.
Newshound Guru Kaperoni
I have always said, Iraq’s economic performance will determine whether the dinar’s value increases or not. Iraq is obviously headed this direction. There is no randomity. We can only observe a rise in value only with success and expansion. The good news is that we are making advancement.
Intel Guru MarkZ
[via PDK] Is anyone of the opinion the RV might occur before the election? Mark Z: It still seems possible. The planet really needs this badly. Comment: We should start to see it in ten days. MarkZ: 90% of my references concur with you. Comment: I almost believe any day could be it. MarkZ: I share that same impression.
Newshound Guru Jeff
His current operating budget is approved and complete. The budget is still lacking since they are going to be adding more money to it; hence, it is necessary to modify it to include the extra dollars and so alter the spending of the budget. Our only waiting for is that.
Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu
Let me reassure everyone of their worries on needing to travel to Turkey, Egypt, or Jordan to complete their exchange. I have never heard anything more ludicrous than that. It is just fear porn.In 2009, Aki Aki [Fnu Lnu’s Iraqi Banking Business Associate and US Private Bank Manager] personally told me in Delaware that he was planning to create banks in the USA for his uncle. He carried out exactly as advised. When the moment comes, he will be trading Dinar as quick as he can go.This myth is as unfounded as the one stating Exchange Centers will provide you a better rate.
Newshound/Intel Guru BGG
Article: “The government forms a higher committee to adapt Iraq banks to international financial requirements”
Newshound Guru Clare
Article: “Central Bank Governor: We have put in place methods to secure the provision of dollar and are subject to strict supervision”. Quote: “Alaq, announced today, Wednesday, that all transfers are subject to auditing processes; he indicated that the decline in oil prices has nothing to do with the increase in the exchange rate”.
Intel Guru Frank26
[Iraq reports boots-on-the-ground] Fireflies:
For the very first census in the last 27 years, we have a curfew on November 20th and 21st. FRANK:….Sudani seems to have ordered for this fresh census to take place for your HCL advantages as Iraqi nationals. I think the only reason he’s acting right now is that you have a fresh exchange rate they might use. If not…there wouldn’t be a new census since they decide on the equitable distribution of the fair amount everyone is due. This new census IMO finds a fresh exchange rate.
Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat
These days, they tell us they can see light at the end of the figurative tunnel. No, they do not specifically inform us of this; but, you may interpret the tone from the articles.
Intel Guru MarkZ
[Using PDK] Among my group leaders and bankers, several say we are getting it in the next four to five days. I most certainly hope they are correct.