Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (12-08-2024)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update

Intel Guru Frank26

Community Comment: “The Iraqi citizens here in Iraq want Alaq out.'” Alaq is loved. It’s only Iran; the politicians who pilfers that want Alaq gone.

Newshound Guru Samson

Article: “Close to Al-Ameri: We support Al-Sudani, and there is no demand for his resigning or early elections”.Article: “Close to Al-Ameri: We support Al-Sudani, and there is no demand for his resigning or early elections”.

Intel Guru MarkZ

[from PDK] The news is continuing to be steady.There is nothing bad here.Still hearing a lot of conversation about between now and the 15th. Many well-connected people still believe this to be a really high likelihood.

Newshound Guru Pimpy

There is nearly like a good six, seven eight months of hype; tomorrow will change because of all the chatter on the exchange rate. I keep telling people that is not what will transpires. Work still has to be done.

Newshound Guru Clare

Article “Iraqi state banks account for 88% of banking sector investments” Quote: “The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Economic Affairs, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, confirmed…government banks account for 88% of the banking system investments, pointing out the need of reforming the banking system on the basis of market work, similar to international banks.”

Newshound Guru Petra

They agreed to the responsibilities that call for, hence they expected Iraq to be compliant with IMF Article VIII or at least. One of those criteria is having all limitations released; Article XIV covers this. To reach where they are now, they have been exploiting many Article VIII items. They have never, however, embraced the rather straightforward article. Alaq and Sudani agreed upon essentially a paper. They sign it and forward it to the IMF embracing all of Article VIII.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

One of the most crucial things the IMF Article IV 2024 consultation advised [Iraq] to do is speed up WTO admission.

Intel Guru Frank26

[ Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: On TV is an ad right now. Showing our new cards, which we will be receiving in the mail very soon, it is five or six minutes long. They are showing the people withdrawing money from banks and automated teller machines. They are guiding us in this regard.Like Mr. Sammy [Bank buddy], this informational phase we are in will last the rest of the year. FRank: Now commencing are the advertisements since Alaq has returned.

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat

I will provide you a synopsis of the various problems in hand. My CBI contact has also informed me these are also problems that need to be addressed; they are in the immediate horizon. As mandated by their new 2005 Constitution, passing the Oil and Gas Law referendum; Institute the Pillars of Financial Reform in the Banking, Insurance and the Iraqi Stock Market; Needed revisions to The Investment Law No (13) of 2006 to meet the WTO requirements prior to full accession. This corresponds perfectly with the aim at electronic banking.Iraq is truly in the midst of implementing the Project to Delete the Zeros, not only talking about it once more; we have to remain grounded since this RV is about to close and we have not much more time.

Intel Guru MarkZ

[via PDK]  …my expected window…(11th through the 15th).


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