Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (26-08-2024)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update

Newshound Guru Jeff 

Their budget period would start October 1st…that’s why the news has increased significantly as we’re approaching October.

Newshound Guru Samson

Article: “First smartphone factory opens in Erbil”

Intel Guru Frank26

The government has established a higher committee tasked with aligning Iraqi banks with international financial standards. What implications does this have? It indicates that the Iraqi dinar is set to be traded in global markets. However, is it currently at a program rate? No, it is not. Are there sanctions imposed on the country? No, there are not. Wells Fargo has indicated that it appears on the OFAC list and is categorized as a ‘bad currency’? This is also incorrect. Transitioning to international markets necessitates the implementation of a new exchange rate. Indeed, that is the case.

Intel Guru RayRen98

Reports indicate that bank screens went blank today, raising questions about the potential causes of this occurrence at this stage of the project. It has been suggested that once the rates reappear on the screens, it will be a moment of great excitement and satisfaction. Furthermore, banks are anticipating being fully staffed by Friday, which prompts curiosity regarding the situation.

Newshound Guru Pimpy

Currently, there are no plans to eliminate any zeros. However, I have a strong inclination that they will eventually remove three zeros and subsequently adjust the exchange rate. My preference is for them to retain the zeros while altering the exchange rate instead. While anything is conceivable, it remains improbable. Nevertheless, we have achieved the initial objective we desired: they are not removing the zeros.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

There is some uncertainty regarding the exact number of articles, but it appears that five or possibly six have been published in recent days discussing the removal of zeros. One article states: “Prices involve eliminating a certain number of zeros from the nominal value of the currency…” This pertains to the exchange rate. The plan is to remove three zeros from the nominal value of the currency. Although this topic has been extensively covered, it is noteworthy that it continues to receive attention.

Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick

Iraq and the Central Bank of Iraq are no longer subject to the oversight of the United States Treasury, nor are they facing any sanctions. This development is indeed positive.

Newshound Guru Jeff 

September has emerged as a month of heightened visibility and communication from the Central Bank, surpassing all previous months of this year. Their increased engagement and the number of actions taken during September are unprecedented. Significant developments are underway, indicating preparations for international endeavors.

Newshound Guru Samson 

Article:  “MP: Iraq is heading towards ‘major’ economic changes and a global urban revolution

Intel Guru Frank26

The current television broadcasts in Baghdad are once again discussing the deletion of the zero project, similar to the coverage by Kurdish television yesterday. This topic has resurfaced in public discourse, with particular emphasis on the banking roadmap proposed by Alaq.

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 

It has been emphasized repeatedly that the Project to Delete the Zeros is not merely a standard redenomination initiative; for Iraq, it represents a crucial step towards reinstatement. This context explains my keen interest in the recent developments over the past few days. We have observed a renewed wave of articles concerning the Project to Delete the Zeros. The media coverage regarding Iraq suggests that there has been a resurgence of interest in this project. Indeed, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) appears to be the catalyst for this renewed focus, and I pay close attention when the CBI communicates, as it plays a pivotal role in shaping monetary policy.

Intel Guru MarkZ

MarkZ: The majority of the rates observed by my bankers appear to be somewhat lower than anticipated. These may represent placeholder rates, test rates, or rates specific to the country. However, they are beginning to notice rates that align more closely with our expectations.

Intel Guru Bruce

Some individuals hold the belief that everything will commence on the first of October. However, that is not the information I am receiving. According to my sources, we can expect developments to occur before the conclusion of this month, or by the end of the month.


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