Intel Guru MarkZ
[PDK] The news that comes out of the Kurdish area is really outstanding. “The Kurdish government resolved the crisis with wisdom,” he says Baghdad has no more justification left. Speaking of the HCL, they claim to have fixed it. Baghdad should rubber stamp the HCL, they demand. (Hydro-carbon Law)…We were always promised that the RV would be released hours or a few days once the HCL is completed. It’s a fundamental piece for their reforms to be carried forward. Between now and August 5th, I am advised they will have the HCL pounded out, signed and official. The Iraqi banking industry is talking a lot of positive, and they could go (RV?) during that period.fingertips crossed…Still, I wish they rolled it out today.
Newshound Guru Jeff
Article: ” Four counties meet in Baghdad to support the development road project”…You have to study their timing. Walking into the start of August, they completed the five-year development plan at the end of July. Why is it? Chronology. They are about to change their value. From what I personally know IMO, their behavior strongly points to August revaluation.
Newshound Guru Militia Man
Not waiting will be the US Treasury. They are capable of acting right away. That emanates from the highest levels.
Newshound Guru Clare
Article: “With a great celebration attended by dignitaries, the opening date of the “architectural masterpiece” of the Central Bank was revealed” Quote: “At least 2025, at the latest, it is set for the end of this year or the beginning of next year. Rising to a height of (172) meters and comprising (38) floors with offices, meeting rooms, and spaces, the new Central Bank building will be opened as the first architectural masterpiece. Along with several celebration venues and a theater, fortified gold and money warehouses.
Intel Guru RayRen98
Newshound Guru Breitling
You should dress in your big boy jeans on… Article: “US Federal Reserve chooses a fresh Iraq approach. Rising to hitherto unheard-of heights, the dollar poses a hazard.” Their discussion is on the upcoming policies that might endanger the dinar. There are several causes for it.Whether or not Hezbollah wishes to establish its headquarters in Baghdad, it makes no difference; the fact that people in Iraq embrace that concept determines everything.It is too pro-Iranian. It’s too anti-American markets. They will so be disciplined for it.
Intel Guru Frank26
Sudani underlines control over his reforms. Indeed, you still run across a lot of troublemakers. You go into shock when you have been able to steal all your life and depend on it then all of a sudden it stops.Your sugar money stopped…The reason the evil people in Iraq keep trying to steal this monetary reform is panic; the reform will bring a new exchange rate, purchasing power, and the lower notes. But if you do that, it is impossible to pilfers the money anymore. For the people of Iraq, it’s a blessing.
Newshound Guru Militia Man
Some blowback is evident. Some of our colleagues simply don’t want Iraq to develop as their cash cow disappears. That’s what we observe and so the intensity is justified.The last few weeks have indeed been rather strong.History is being created right now.
Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat
It is an uphill fight to get their money restored for Iraq. They have to fight, against these globalists. However, some of the issues also result from their own actions since there are steps they could have taken to control money laundering and manage the dollar more effectively. Still, they neglected. The strategy plan also includes dates for reaching the reinstatement that have not been fulfilled and must thus be followed going forward today.