Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (09-26-2023)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (09-26-2023)

Newshound Guru Militia Man

If you visit the WTO website, you’ll find the ITC (International Trade Center) help system. Click on it and search for Iraq. You will see that they are already registered on the WTO’s website. This is important because they are ready to participate in international trade. Even though they haven’t officially ascended yet, they already have code numbers assigned by the WTO. It’s impressive to see that they are well-prepared to enter the global market.

Intel Guru Frank26

According to my understanding, almost all of the sanctions have been lifted from Iraq. The only sanctions that remain are the ones that were hindering the monetary reform.

Intel Guru MarkZ 

According to my sources, Iraq has a lot of banking news. They have been receiving money in the banking system and building exchange centers. My sources are anticipating an announcement by the first of next month, so it should happen within the next 5-6 days. I hope their prediction is accurate. Based on my intuition, we are likely to see some progress in about a week.

Newshound Guru Clare

Al-Sudani has admitted to a legal issue being the reason behind the increase in the price of the dollar. He has called for strict penalties to address the problem.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

“International and international pressure to approve the oil and gas law” should be approved soon due to international currency exchange rates in Iraq. The world is waiting, but not for long.

Intel Guru Frank26

 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FRANK CONTINUED:  TPart of the monetary reform process involves passing these laws. This represents the final phase in the effort to enhance security and stability, as well as eliminate any corruption from your currency. These laws will empower Sudani to apprehend more malevolent individuals who oppose Iraqi citizens and Sudani’s reforms. Congratulations, you are now one step closer to achieving your goal of increasing the value of your currency.[Post 2 of 2]

Intel Guru Frank26

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: According to Sudani, the lack of strict laws against currency speculators in Iraq has been causing delays in delivering what the citizens want. He further emphasized the need for strong laws to hold these speculators accountable and protect the citizens’ currency. Frank is excited about the news and suggests that there will be more articles about it in the coming days until the announcement is made. [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]

Intel Guru RayRen98

“Do you think we’re going to have Christmas in October?” “Yes, definitely.”

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat

Recently, an article revealed that the CBI is planning to complete a six-year long process in just one year by 2023. This process involves implementing the full Dr. Shabibi plan, which includes de-dollarization, removing zeros from the currency, and reintegrating the Iraqi dinar into the foreign exchange market. It appears that the CBI is making progress towards achieving these goals.

Intel Guru MarkZ

I received news from Iraq through PDK and the reports seem to be positive. According to my Iraqi contacts who are in the banking and government sectors, there is a high possibility that we will witness an RV (revaluation of currency) sometime between now and the first. However, it is important to keep in mind that we cannot be certain about the timing. My contacts are sharing their beliefs and what they are hearing from sources within their country.


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