Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick
Regarding the monetary reform, all necessary arrangements have been made for the citizens. The required infrastructure is in place, and everything is prepared to initiate the process. It is possible that more Iraqis need to open bank accounts before the implementation can begin. It is also likely that the HCL will be delivered through these newly opened accounts.
Intel Guru MarkZ
[via PDK] A question was asked if it is accurate that currency dealers have been instructed to stop selling currency after 11:59 CST. MarkZ responded by saying that he was informed that they would stop selling just before the RV. However, he also mentioned that they could change the wording and slow down if they feel that it’s really close.
Newshound Guru Militia Man
The interest rate has been increased to encourage citizens to save their money. The new rate is 7.5%. The main goal here is to get large amounts of money off the streets, commonly known as “mattress money”. The government is still trying to bring that money into the formal financial system.
Intel Guru Frank26
An article titled “Preventing the Smuggling of $400,000 from Baghdad Airport” sheds light on the rampant corruption and smuggling that is plaguing the country. These issues are the primary concern for the citizens as they obstruct progress and development. The authorities are taking significant steps to curb this problem and ensure that the new exchange rate is released with complete security and stability. It is a simple solution, not a complex one. Currently, the focus is on eradicating corruption from the Central Bank of Iraq and taking strict action against those responsible for it.
Intel Guru MarkZ
We were previously warned, via PDK, that we would witness difficult times before they actually occurred. It seems as though we are currently experiencing those hard times, and I firmly believe that they could worsen at any moment. It appears that the trigger could be pulled at any time.
Intel Guru Frank26
Alaq and Sudani are doing well. However, Maliki, Abadi, and Kudami were not as competent as Sudani.
Intel Guru MarkZ
We were warned that we would see rough things before it happened and we are…I firmly believe we are much closer than it appears. …they could just pull the trigger at any time.