Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (09-08-2024)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update

Newshound Guru Militia Man 

Article: “Breaking: Central Bank Governor: We have no intent to revalue the dollar, we are in a big transition” Does Alaq have any control whatsoever over the dollar? None whatsoever. But what does he have control over? When he states he’s not going to do anything about the dollar he means it because he can’t. What he does have the control to do is change the exchange rate of the dinar. He has that control.

Intel Guru Frank26

Now, the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve showed up today.What do you think that means? You think they’re going to sit there and let them be lackadaisical, lazy, ‘just take your time’? No. The Untied States of America works on a nano second.I find that very encouraging to speed up the monetary reform process.

Newshound Guru Breitling

I beg of you. Do not make this investment a religion and do not hide from facts.People that do that always have financial problems.You have to watch policy.

Newshound Guru Samson

Article: “The amounts reached 8 billion dollars .”Theft of the Century” in Iraq returns to the forefront again

Newshound Guru Jeff

We found data telling us when they’re going to have a convertible currency. A convertible currency means tradable currency after the rate has changed.

Intel Guru MarkZ 

I am still getting lots of chatter from leaders for the weekend, I am hearing…. I have listened to this kind of chatter before so I’m being cautious, though it is coming with some great positive things coming from Iraq. Still got my hopes up, perhaps over the weekend, for an HCL.

Newshound Guru Pimpy 

Article: “Breaking Central Bank Governor: No direction to reconsider dollar exchange rates and we are going through a major transformation process” They have no intentions on changing the current exchange rate. It’s going to remain at 1,320 for every dollar despite what you are hearing.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

Did Alaq resign?  Answer, no

Intel Guru Frank26

Who is the new governor of the CBI? It is the US Treasury IMO that is now the governor of the CBI. Why? What is the governor of the CBI? Just a figurehead. Does he make any decisions? No. Does he have any authority? No. Does he cast a vote for anything? No. What does the CBI governor do? He puts messages across to the international world, to the Iraqi citizens, and he sends his reports to the prime minister. He is almost like a symbolic figurehead, messenger.

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat

She believes he will be there as the acting director for a little while longer.I think so, too. has the country’s best interest in his policies. He has stated he wants to bring the Iraqi dinar back up to the 1980’s. This is what all of us hope for as investors.We will continue to watch. [Post 2 of 2]

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat

My CBI contact stated that.the GOI had not accepted his [Ali Al-Alaq] resignation, and therefore, it was not officially submitted. The news media ran off half cocked with the story.. She said let’s wait and see what happens to Mr. Alaq. That they have to agree to stay and work with the Feds and the US Treasury and hammer out an acceptable plan, then take it back to the Finance Committee and tell them about it. He has a trip scheduled to the US for this purpose very soon. [Post 1 of 2.stay tuned]


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