Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (05-08-2024)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update

Intel Guru MarkZ 

[via PDK] There is much excellent news available right now.over the top of excellent news.Lots of conversation looking at tomorrow.Still, we’re not sure when it’s going to start.If half the stories are accurate about it, we are in excellent shape. Many information I am still getting indicate that things are under control and that we should soon start seeing dollars. I cannot, however, tie anyone down claiming to have actual cash. I am hearing it…The issue is I have not been able to confirm them. Community Comment: You won’t receive verification-imo if they fall under NDA’s. Mark Z: And that is an option as well. For me, nevertheless, I will be somewhat back-off, stay clam, and discover what is true or false.

Newshound Guru Clare

“Government Advisor: The talks between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Federal Reserve achieved advanced results” Quote: “Salih, confirmed…the renewed understanding with the US Federal Reserve will allow the monetary authority to restore an internal banking market, while he indicated that the results of the discussions between the Central Bank and the Federal Reserve are good and consistent with the rules of work, and he pointed out that they will let for the implementation of a precise path between Iraqi and international banks”.

Newshound Guru Pimpy

Two requirements for obtaining it surfaced a few days ago. Sudanese advisor rules out taking three zeros off the coin”. My fingers crossed, and I hoped the zeros wouldn’t be removed.That’s the first step; keep the zeros intact. Do we now wish for a different exchange rate? True. Now is the moment when the zeros remain on there. Though I’m not stating that it will happen, now is the time if it ever will happen the way we want it to.

Newshound Guru Samson

“The Central Bank of Iraq reveals the mechanism for ending the electronic platform”, it says.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

Article quote: “All the currencies Iraq will be trading on the Forex and doing business with now comply with international standards…” Regarding that, I believe everyone should back off, unwind, observe it as it unfolds.Everybody is thrilled. Keep some groundedness as, at this point of the game, I feel there is no stopping this. They are sharing with us so much.It really is rather remarkable.

Intel Guru Bruce

 [via WiserNow]  …I think everything is pointing toward this going still this week…

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 

The much-needed changes to the Iraq Investment Law are one of the loose ends. According to an article, the WTO asked for certain legal adjustments. They reported in this same piece that this was the ONE problem preventing Iraq from complete admission. What then grabs headlines in the latest news? The paper is called “Par Legislative Economic Committee Examines Modifying the Investment Law”. Given the notable increase in investment activity in Iraq in recent years, the legislative scene there is now seeing intense debates on the fourth amendment to Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as revised. We might so see this law really soon. The WTO follows from there.

Intel Guru MarkZ

[via PDK] I am receiving numerous reports about starting payments. Notes stating money are being distributed to organizations. I am keeping cool though as I haven’t yet been able to verify it. I am, however, seeking evidence that this is accurate. Many other sources are reporting this. Should this be genuine, we should find out when we may visit and convert our money in the next day or two. I am getting blown up with contacts stating they have let things slide.Numerous people have told me this from different sources. Stay calm….I am also somewhat trying to keep composure.


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