Forbes Magazine: America seeks to dominate the energy sector in Iraq


Tuesday’s Forbes, an American journal with an emphasis on economics, revealed that the new Iraqi Prime Minister, who supports the business community, is striving to hasten initiatives by the American government and multinational companies to control the Iraqi energy sector.

“American companies like Translantic Petroleum, KBR, Emerson, Baker Hughes, and Genel Energy are seeking to acquire and develop gas fields in the Ibn Umar River area in southern Iraq,” the article states, translated by Included in the proposal is an associated facility for exporting liquefied natural gas close to Basra, which might be operational in the next ten years.

“The ultimate American goal, in addition to producing natural gas from Iraq, building electrical infrastructure, and providing surplus energy, is to prevent energy cooperation with the Iranian side,” he said Expanding Iraq’s energy sector is more of an attempt to ensure American stability and national security in the Middle East, claims Wilkie, a foreign policy and military strategist expert.

Said he, “Weakening cooperation between Iraq and Iran requires more than just energy independence for Iraq.” It entails expanding American energy dominance in order to eradicate the necessity for countries to depend on Iranian oil or Russian natural gas.

Wilkie underlined, “We were working on the Saudis when Trump took office, which brought the Saudis closer to an anti-Iranian ring including Israel with US support.” Though “things have changed a lot now, especially since the war in Gaza.”


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