CBI sells +$190 million in forex on Monday

CBI sells +$190 million in forex on Monday
CBI sells +$190 million in forex on Monday

On Monday, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned over $190 million, with remittances surpassing cash sales by a significant amount.

As per a correspondent from Shafaq News Agency, it has been reported that the CBI has conducted an auction today, selling a total of $190,408,170. The bank facilitated these transactions at an exchange rate of 1,305 dinars per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements made through electronic cards. For foreign transfers and cash transactions, the rate was set at 1,310 dinars per dollar.

As per our correspondent, most of the sales were aimed at strengthening foreign balances through transfers and credits, totaling $168,758,170. The remaining $21,650,000 were set aside for cash transactions.

Seven banks made cash transactions, and 19 banks fulfilled requests regarding foreign balances. The auction involved 37 exchange and brokerage firms.


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