Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (27-07-2024)

Iraqi Dinar Guru Update
Iraqi Dinar Guru Update

Newshound Guru Samson

Article “Adopting a new mechanism for citizens to obtain their oil share electronically”

Newshound Guru Breitling

That’s still in development: Hamas entering Iraq. That is somewhat problematic. Should Hamas show up, we will not assist Iraq in any form or shape. That completely changes the game. This [The Iraqi dinar] presents a possibility till the day it’s not…Given the Hamas situation right now, it is not off-table. Right now, I don’t perceive a threat. Still, I’m telling you that may be significant. Iraq is in jeopardy if Hamas targets that country. Its oil finds itself in danger. Hamas being in Iraq changes everything. That is going to change the markets. Our only actions are prayer and hope, as well as observation.

Intel Guru Bruce

[via WiserNow]…We will probably start talking on Saturday and continue throughout the weekend and the following week. I believe that we are close. All I can say is that I’m excited for us to cross over and see how things work out for us.

Intel Guru MarkZ

[via PDK] Is Iraq’s RI/RV contingent on its admission to the WTO? MarkZ: No, it’s not required. however, simultaneous occurrence is anticipated.

Intel Guru Frank26

The terrorist organization in Iraq is utilizing the HCL as a means to postpone the monetary reform. They were discovered to have used the budget. The figures were altered.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

Iraq is very well-stocked with foreign and dollar reserves, and its gold reserves have grown. That implies it’s in good condition. It enjoys some stability and security. Everyone is probably beginning to realize that stability and security have been top priorities. It is approaching the point where more will become apparent in a significantly larger manner.

Newshound Guru Samson 

Article: “MP rejects enacting an oil and gas law by the year 2024.”

Newshound Guru Jeff

It’s not clear from their statement that the rate will be one to one that the value will be one dollar. They will never provide you with the anticipated exchange rate. One-to-one implies that the purchasing power before the rate adjustments will remain unchanged following the rate changes. A 25,000 dinar note before the rate adjustment will be equivalent in purchasing power to a 25 note following the rate change…You multiply by the exchange rate of the US dollar. For simplicity’s sake, assume that the new exchange rate following the adjustment is $3.00.Since all currency has a value of $3, a $25 note multiplied by $3.00 would be worth $75,000 when the rate changes, and a $25 note would be worth $75. It is that easy.

Intel Guru Wolverine

[via Judy Byington]…Because of NDAs and confidentiality, there are certain things I am not allowed to discuss. Tell you what, the gates are open! I’m hoping that everyone will be fortunate by the end of the month. Hopium is not this. This is from the ground up and is accurate.

Newshound Guru Pimpy

Participant Comment: “An old 1000 dinar will be worth $3.21 x 1000 dinar = $3,210.” It won’t, I assure you. Not. Upon examining [your $1,000 note], they will quickly determine that this is old money you must exchange for new. If you choose not to accept the new dinars, that’s okay, but they won’t give you a $3.21 rate on the entire amount. They will be aware that the re-denomination has already taken place. It will cost you $3.21. You received it.

Newshound Guru Kaperoni

Iraq has been considering the possibility of replacing the current dinar with a new currency. This is essentially a near-neutral or LOP occurrence. Not what we’d like to observe.


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