Iraqi Dinar Guru Update (09-03-2023)

Iraqi Dinar Guru
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Newshound Guru Pimpy

Someone asked me, “Pimpy, what do you think about this eBay deal?” They were offering 5,000 dinar for $37. But 5,000 dinar is only worth $3.80. So, be careful not to spend more than the actual value when buying dinars. Don’t fall for deals that are not worth it.

Newshound Guru Militia Man

It seems that Iraq is preparing to join the global community. The hope is that they will demonstrate an exchange rate that is in compliance with Article VIII and reveal their new currency that they will use soon. It appears that the new smaller denomination notes that were printed in 2018 should be made known to the world.

Intel Guru Frank26 

I have a close friend who previously served in the military but is now working indirectly for Iraq and Vietnam through contractual agreements. Recently, my friend contacted me and shared that they are eager to expand their business but their financial advisors have advised them to wait due to a significant financial change on the horizon. Apparently, Iraq has a surplus of dong in their reserves while the Vietnam Central Bank holds a significant amount of Iraqi dinar in their reserves. It seems like something big is about to happen.

Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat  

Article:  Experts are advocating for a reevaluation of the financial system in Iraq. They believe that restructuring is necessary to improve the administrative and financial aspects of the country. However, it should be noted that Iraq’s currency, the dinar, already holds value due to the oil market, and extensive structural changes may not be needed to reinstate it. Focusing on economic growth can further enhance the dinar’s value and increase its exchange rate.


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